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Thalasso Bain Bébé

A new way to welcome your little one to the world.

With this swaddle bath, where your baby will be cradled and massaged in warm water with the rhythm of gentle music helping them unwind.

This bath helps your baby relive the calming feelings of being in the womb, guiding them to find relaxation and surrender to the moment.

A moving present for a gentle transition from womb to world, inviting you to celebrate their presence with our grounded attention on your precious baby.

This sensory and emotional bath provides your newborn with both physical and emotional healing, like a gentle rebirth, as they start their journey in this world.

Womb to World

This bath makes it easier for our babies to enter the world, recreating the comfort of the womb. It reminds them of sweet memories, reliving the positions and sensations experienced with their mother.

Difficult Birth

For babies who have experienced difficult births, this bath offers profound relief. With warm water enveloping their skin, it feels like they're journeying to us again, but this time, they get the precious time they missed at birth.


Your baby, moving freely, will communicate with us through their emotions. Our grounded and attentive presence will help your baby feel safe to express themselves fully. Moments like these will be cherished forever.

Slow Down

In the warm water, it's as if time stands still. With your eyes on your baby, we'll let them take all the time they need, moving at their own pace as they gradually unfold and open up to the world.

PRICE : £180


About this approach

Thalasso Bain Bébé is all about understanding why babies cry so much during their hospital baths. It doesn't make sense, right? After all, they're being placed back in water, something they're familiar with because they spent nine months in the amniotic fluid.

About 20 years ago, Sonia Krief, a maternity nurse with over 40 years of experience in baby care, got inspired by Watsu, a combination of Water and Shiatsu. She thought, "Why not adapt this soothing method for newborns?" And that's how Thalasso Bain Bébé was born. It's now seen as the perfect first bath for babies after they're born.

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