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Piece by Piece
together we will


You have read all the books & receive all the advice you could possibly get to know what to do. But you had nobody to guide you on how to do it, break it down for you. Well then you are at the right place.

How sleep works?

Things I wish more people knew about baby sleep

​​Medical conditions and environment are the main reasons for paediatric sleep deprivation.

​​"Good and bad habits" does not influence baby sleep enough to fight against it if you don't want to.

​​Routine can support cooperation and peace at bedtime but not longer stretch at night.

Sleep training & behavior training gives parents a break, but does not help baby's sleep

So where should we begin ?

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Understand your child - choose to meet your child. Get help to see how unique and incredible your baby is

Your time &

Declutter your mind: Ditch the unhelping advice, sort out the myth from the science-backed insights

Use your child social, cognitive, relationship development and skills to uplift sleep

Bedtime Routine   

Early Wake-ups   

Introduce a New Habit     →

Nap fighting  

Bedtime Battle   

Night Wakings   

Brighter Time are ahead, just like it was for these families

You're next in line

Mum Mode

by Louise la puericultrice

Tel : +33(0)7 84 15 32 27

Mail :

Based in Central London (zone1)

The services offered by Mum Mode by Louise la puericultrice are not a substitute for medical care for your child or for perinatal care by a midwife. Despite my French state diploma as a paediatric nurse, I am not (yet) officially NMC registered in the UK, so in case of doubt, always consult your doctor/midwife.

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